There are two options:
Signing an internship agreement with a host entity
The agreement should include theoretical and practical training. It must contain, at minimum:
- A description of the internship programme, including the educational objective/components of the internship.
- The length of the internship.
- The conditions of the internship and how supervision will be undertaken.
- The internship hours.
- The legal relationship between the intern and the host entity.
a) The applicant should have obtained a higher education degree in the two years prior to the date of application or they should currently be carrying out studies that lead to obtaining a higher education degree.
b) The internship must be carried out in the same academic field and at the same level of qualification as the higher education degree or study programme.
c) The applicant must have health insurance and sufficient financial resources.
d) The applicant cannot have a criminal record.
e) The applicant cannot be in Spain illegally.
Signing an intern employment contract with the host entity
The National Employment Situation does not apply.
Notwithstanding its being subject to the laws governing intern employment, this contract must contain, at minimum, the contents provided for herein for the agreement.